Sunday, February 11, 2024

Asher Dasher

 I remember running up and down the stands of the soccer field with Ashley during the off season. She made me want to be a better person, a better friend, a better mother and just the best possible version of myself that I can possibly be. She was honest and saw the best in everyone she knew. Her work ethic on the soccer field was brilliant. She was fierce and fair. She was one of the most generous people I've ever met in my life. Generous with her time, talent and gifts. 

One of my friends from H.S. posted a picture for a goddess project she was doing and I couldn't help but think it looked like Ashley embracing her mom in such a beautiful and peaceful setting. I wanted to send it to Ashley to show her how much her mom is still loving her. I decided I'd paint it or sketch it for her to help her heal. Maybe it was to bring me comfort and peace about her passing because I didn't even know she was probably embracing her mom already. 

She loved this song.

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