Friday, August 31, 2018

Pale Wrinkles

They pigmented my skin, the both of them.
They gave me stripes of pale, soft like silk.
Almost the shade of the moon.

It's as if they made light of how it felt to float in the clouds of my womb.
These natural marks of fertility.
Like an exhibition of wrinkles made beautiful in due time.

Suzie Sateri

Thursday, August 30, 2018

CA Adventure Animation Academy

When exploring CA Adventure, the Animation Academy is worth a visit. The University style class brings you on a journey of excitement while learning how to draw your favorite Disney characters. The classes are about 15 minutes long every 30 minutes. The best part is bringing the art work home. The illustration is a positively memorable souvenir! 

Suzie Sateri

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Tree Hearts

Tree Hearts is an ointment that can be used to relieve and moisturize sore feet, hands, shoulders, neck, lower back, legs, etc. The ointment can be used as a hair styling wax/gel and is very healing. The ointment can be used daily on hands, feet, hair and lips.

The ointment is called, "Three Hearts". I gave the name of the ointment a Persian accent just for fun, "Tree Hearts".

Order some now for only $10 (4oz).

Please send me an email
with "Tree Hearts" in the subject box.
I'll contact you to make sure you receive your
"Tree Hearts" and enjoy!

Monday, August 27, 2018

Beauty and the Beast - The Ride

The Beauty and the Beast Ride deserves a place in the original Disneyland (Anaheim, California).

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

California Adventure

I know a long time ago I set out to try to write about Disneyland so that I stay on one topic. That didn't really happen. But that's what I like about Disneyland. There is so much to learn, so much to be inspired by, so much creation to admire and so much left to create.

I recently went on Soarin in California Adventure and it was so inspirational! Not to mention, relaxing. If you haven't had the chance to go on it yet, it is like a flight over different places in the world. There is a part where we flew over a safari type of adventure and it smelled like sweet grass. Over India, it smelled like roses. Going on the ride after waiting in line for a while was so worth it.

My 3 year old son went on Space Mountain for the 1st time with his cousins and he went on Soarin. I haven't heard him talk about his Disneyland adventures so much as he has after those 2 rides. I've been recognizing certain perspectives I hadn't thought about before. I appreciate the way people with a handicap have the ability to experience these types of adventures and positive interactions that otherwise might have been thought to be impossible to experience with a handicap.


Monday, August 6, 2018

Decisions Decisions

How do we make big decisions? 
How do we make small decisions?
How do we know which one is which?