Thursday, April 9, 2020

Shall We

Forgive me for my search to discover why it seemed impossible to love you.
I found answers to the questions I’d been asking thanks to you not minding my thirst for knowledge.

I looked at your eyes sparkling in the sunshine and I smiled.

I went in with good intentions, unaware of what I would find.
On a quest to help others.
You filled our life with rainbows and blue skies.

Forgive me for my search to discover why it seemed impossible to love you.
The thought of your eyes sparkling in the sunshine makes me smile.

I had good intentions, unaware of what we would learn.
Then you willed our life with rainbows and blue skies.

And so we love you with all of our colors.
The blue skies
The sea of green
The yellow flowers and red balloons
The orange cuties and Purple Hearts

And there you stand, golden and timeless.
Your soul has but no age nor limits.
The spirit inside of you shines ever so brightly in the sunlight and under the well lit moon.

And when he asks me how long he will live I reply questioning, “Possibly 5,000 years?”.
“You’ll probably live forever. Yes, I hope you live forever”.

Forgive me for my search to discover why it seemed impossible to love you.
It was in my everlasting love for you I discovered our life.