Saturday, February 17, 2024

A Whole Lot of Love

 When my kids get frustrated about something they're trying to accomplish or they are learning, I remind them about how people are not just all of the sudden great at something. In soccer, we learn first about the rules of the game, figure out what our position is and then we start practicing, maybe not all in that order. 

It takes years of practice until college soccer. After college soccer, opportunities can arise. Of course, some people have different paths that might not necessarily include college soccer, but I want to say that's the typical path in the United States. 

After all is said and done, there remains a love for the game of soccer and all it encompasses. Where does the love of a sport begin and how does it evolve? Maybe the love begins within a team and evolves as so. What about individual sports? Those are also a team effort in a way, so possibly. 

Anyway, when we want to be good at something, it takes a whole lot of effort, it takes a whole lot of heart. It takes a whole lot of time and funds. It takes a whole lot of practice, consistency, dedication, perseverance and love. 

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