Thursday, June 3, 2021

Routine Exercise

 During this pandemic we’ve all experienced, it was difficult to decide a number of activities in which to participate. I was reluctant to bring the kids to the park because I was not sure if we were supposed to or not. After a while, we learned that outdoor activities were great so I decided to start bringing them to the park again. When we started going to the park, I started seeing this group of senior citizens doing aerobics classes. They exercised right next to the playground, music blaring, focused and goal driven. 

I watched them while I sat at the benches watching the kids play and then I got up and started doing laps around the playground. I waved at them and thanked them for the inspiration and they threw their arms up in the air cheering for me. I walked my laps until they finished their class, and then the next time, and the next time. Now that walking has become a routine. 

This girl, a few weeks ago started walking laps and told me she saw me walking and decided to start walking laps too. Today she had a friend walking with her. I told her about the senior citizens, how the inspiration came from them. 

It makes me think, if we do something for ourselves, like joining an aerobics class, teaching an aerobics class, try to be healthier, happier, etc., that might be the best possible way to inspire others. Those senior citizens sure made a difference in my exercise routine and boy are my kids happy about our new found routine. 

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