Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Off of Restriction


The Covid requirements have been lifted in California and here we sit at an Angels game where almost nobody except for the essential workers are wearing masks. Standing in line together, much closer than 6 feet apart and still, no masks. A packed stadium… The seats are so close, we can smell the people around us. 

I’m a little bit apprehensive about it all. My kids do not like wearing their masks at all and going back and forth with them helps me to be respectful of choices. Essential workers understandably wear their masks because they talk to so many people at the stadium. The essential workers really should wear their masks to stay protected. 

I looked at a post where people are dissing those who don’t want to wear masks. The theme was that people wear masks to be socially responsible. It was a picture of two people talking to each other and all of the tiny particles that fly into one another’s space in the process. Yeah, it probably is more socially responsible to wear a mask.

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