Sunday, May 2, 2021


 I’ve been reading several articles my Google Assistant pulls up for me that are health related. There are a few consistent answers when it comes to creating a more healthy lifestyle. 

1. Eating good foods. 

I went on a walk today to implement what I’ve been learning and on my walk I saw some fruits on a tree hanging over the fence. It looked extremely delicious so I picked a few and put them in my pocket. When I got home, I washed them, ate some and shared some. They were awesome! Little snacks like that will make the difference. 

2. Exercise.

Since I am pregnant I am somewhat limited to what type of exercise I can do. I tried to shoot the soccer ball a few times from the 18 yard line with my kids and later vomited. I can walk, thankfully, so I walk. A family pass to the gardens or amusement parks are a good deal because they provide extra motivation to exercise. 

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