Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Dream Journalism

 Hi, my name is Dr. Suzanne Sateri. I am a Doctor of Education. Becoming a Doctor of Education did not happen overnight. It required lots of hard work, dedication and practice. I had to be bold and brave enough to take risks that were somewhat out of the ordinary in terms of standardized educational practices. I am currently studying to be a Surgeon of Education. When I was a young girl, I remember playing in the garden and pretending to be preforming brain surgery. With my hands full of mud, I would imagine I actually had a brain in front of me and was helping someone with a team of Doctors, to be able to think at their highest capacity. That was the defining moment that lead me to becoming an Educational Surgeon. 

The root of the word education means “to lead forth, or to lead”. With my hands muddy, once again, I plant a new seed and wait for the roots to grow. The natural process of planting a seed comes with not knowing when and how the roots are growing, steady and strong underneath the surface. We plant the seed with the faith that it will grow, whether or not we witness every process of that growth. It strives to be connected with the light in the darkness and once it emerges into the light, it grows toward it. Sometimes, after a while of becoming strong in the core, what was once a seed becomes a tree and produces fruit that we might even be able to enjoy. 

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