Monday, October 27, 2014

This Little Light of Mine Addisson Road (acoustic) Cover by Sarah

Carry You

If someone were to ask me what it feels like to carry a child in the womb I would tell them its indescribable. It's hard to believe I've been given this gift because I didn't know if I would ever be blessed with the opportunity to carry a child of my own. I hoped but was not sure what the creator had in store for my life. Bringing new life into the world creates opportunity to look at everything with new eyes. A new child brings blessings for everyone around. The gift of life brings hope, joy, peace, love, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. New life helps us to focus on today, and on the future rather than hanging onto the past. I feel the little life move around in my womb and I sometimes can't believe it's possible. How can two people come together and be given the gift of one? This little life brings me the feeling of wholeness. Like someone wrote to me in a card regarding having a baby, "It feels like a place in your heart you didn't even know was empty is being filled." I'm not sure how it will feel during birth and moments after when I'm exhausted and depleted of all of my energy and time. I just know in this moment, I'm celebrating life and am thankful from the bottom of my heart and soul for this gift. Suzie Sateri

Monday, June 2, 2014

One Focus Goal

People talk to me about having a focus with my blog and talking about one specific topic. I don’t know how to explain my feelings about this idea other than to explain it like this. 
On the soccer filed there are certain positions for each team member. The goalie stays in the goal and their job is to defend that goal. Then there are defenders positioned in front of the goalie whose main task is to defend the goal and try to not let the ball reach the goalie. Forwards are positioned in front of the field and their main job is to attack the opposite goal and try to score as much as possible. Then there are midfielders. The halfbacks are positioned in the middle of the field and their job is to move forward and backwards. The midfielders are meant to make plays, sometimes having to play every position on the field, so to speak. They can score, they can save, they can attack and they can defend, depending on what is necessary at any given moment on the field. 
Talking about one specific topic, for me here, is like the goalie dribbling the ball all the way to the mouth of the opposite goal and trying to shoot to score.
Suzie Sateri

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Guy in Heels

Today we saw a manly guy wearing high heels and a long skirt while eating. I was wondering why after he left I saw only a little bit of what he had at the table. Maybe he didn’t even eat. I was apprehensive in asking him any questions because of the way it might come off but he seemed friendly enough to talk to. The minute he left, which was only minutes after we sat down at the table next to him I regretted not talking to him. 

Perhaps it was a good thing because if I asked him about what he was wearing and why it might have been offensive to him. Sometimes its better to not say anything rather than saying something that could unintentionally hurt. Perhaps a simple smile and eye contact is better than words depending on the circumstances. Either way, how can anyone determine what to do in these unique situations? 

All I know is that I was grateful for him today because he brought me indirect confidence in my writing, life and art. I thought, why do I worry about how people will react and respond to things that might seem unfamiliar to them and their liking? He had no idea he was helping me like that, I’m sure, but he did by simply being who he is, in his own shoes, regardless of what anyone else thought.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

New Song

My mind is overflowing and the last time I emptied it out right here, only for it to be filled again with new information and people. Everyone I see is somehow a reflection of me whether it is through imperfections or the like. People look the same under the surface in some way or another and the difference is in how you look. 
I miss loved ones who have left what we once knew of them, wondering what or where they could possibly be now. Tear stains on the pillows shed for those left to mourn their passing. On the other hand, knowing we all have to leave our earthly body sooner or later in some form. Hoping their souls have taken flight like the wings of a gentle dove in search for a better life. 
Suzie Sateri 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Natural Botox Regimen

My Aunt gave me the idea to put tape on unwanted frown lines. This seemed like a great idea considering adhesive tape is better for your health and more cost effective than Botox injections. I decided to give it a try when I was shopping because I came across some butterfly closures and thought about just how effective this method could be. Now I'm getting into a routine of wearing the tape and closures because I'm pretty sure I already notice a tiny difference. 
I wore the butterfly closures overnight with adhesive tape and just the adhesive tape sporadically throughout the day. Right now my favorite spot for the tape is where is shown in the photo below but I'm trying new placements to see what works the best. I'm looking forward to getting great results with this experiment.