Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Guy in Heels

Today we saw a manly guy wearing high heels and a long skirt while eating. I was wondering why after he left I saw only a little bit of what he had at the table. Maybe he didn’t even eat. I was apprehensive in asking him any questions because of the way it might come off but he seemed friendly enough to talk to. The minute he left, which was only minutes after we sat down at the table next to him I regretted not talking to him. 

Perhaps it was a good thing because if I asked him about what he was wearing and why it might have been offensive to him. Sometimes its better to not say anything rather than saying something that could unintentionally hurt. Perhaps a simple smile and eye contact is better than words depending on the circumstances. Either way, how can anyone determine what to do in these unique situations? 

All I know is that I was grateful for him today because he brought me indirect confidence in my writing, life and art. I thought, why do I worry about how people will react and respond to things that might seem unfamiliar to them and their liking? He had no idea he was helping me like that, I’m sure, but he did by simply being who he is, in his own shoes, regardless of what anyone else thought.