Monday, October 27, 2014

Carry You

If someone were to ask me what it feels like to carry a child in the womb I would tell them its indescribable. It's hard to believe I've been given this gift because I didn't know if I would ever be blessed with the opportunity to carry a child of my own. I hoped but was not sure what the creator had in store for my life. Bringing new life into the world creates opportunity to look at everything with new eyes. A new child brings blessings for everyone around. The gift of life brings hope, joy, peace, love, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. New life helps us to focus on today, and on the future rather than hanging onto the past. I feel the little life move around in my womb and I sometimes can't believe it's possible. How can two people come together and be given the gift of one? This little life brings me the feeling of wholeness. Like someone wrote to me in a card regarding having a baby, "It feels like a place in your heart you didn't even know was empty is being filled." I'm not sure how it will feel during birth and moments after when I'm exhausted and depleted of all of my energy and time. I just know in this moment, I'm celebrating life and am thankful from the bottom of my heart and soul for this gift. Suzie Sateri

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