Monday, June 2, 2014

One Focus Goal

People talk to me about having a focus with my blog and talking about one specific topic. I don’t know how to explain my feelings about this idea other than to explain it like this. 
On the soccer filed there are certain positions for each team member. The goalie stays in the goal and their job is to defend that goal. Then there are defenders positioned in front of the goalie whose main task is to defend the goal and try to not let the ball reach the goalie. Forwards are positioned in front of the field and their main job is to attack the opposite goal and try to score as much as possible. Then there are midfielders. The halfbacks are positioned in the middle of the field and their job is to move forward and backwards. The midfielders are meant to make plays, sometimes having to play every position on the field, so to speak. They can score, they can save, they can attack and they can defend, depending on what is necessary at any given moment on the field. 
Talking about one specific topic, for me here, is like the goalie dribbling the ball all the way to the mouth of the opposite goal and trying to shoot to score.
Suzie Sateri

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