Saturday, March 2, 2024

To Give Your All

 The Empire Strykers are currently my favorite team to watch right now. Maybe because that's where my attention is centered currently, but it just is. I am cheering for them and want them to win but it seems as though they have had a losing streak, even though they've given the games all they've had. I'm pretty sure we've all had games like that as athletes and we understand how it feels to be so close and still not accomplish the goals we set out to accomplish. 

The truth is, we're all going through that in the world right now. Losses we've endured when we've given all we were capable of, but still it wasn't enough to keep that person or those people in our life. What could we have done differently? We ask ourselves like somehow we could've changed the outcome of what happened had we gone back and changed the course of our life. 

Watching the Strykers play these last few games has left me feeling like they so deserve to win and when it's within reach, we're left with frustrations and the feeling of defeat. It helps me understand the parallels in our life right now. Yeah, we left our heart on that field every single game, but damn it still wasn't enough to accomplish those goals we wanted to happen. 

When will it turn around and when will we be able to feel hopeful again that those goals we set out to accomplish may actually happen? How do we find the strength to overcome the losses? It's not from a lack of effort, ability or talent, it just is until it just isn't anymore. Sometimes there's a glimmer of hope. We know we've got to step out onto the field and give it all we have, once again, every opportunity we get. 

Without a chance for the playoffs, without a championship to play for, we're just playing because we still have love for the game of soccer, of life. We have love for our family, for our team, for each other, for the sweet innocence still left in the world. We still find a way to give our all, to play with all of our heart while we help one another pick up the pieces. 

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