Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Me and my nephew are sitting at the table at a burger place.
He has a dish full of peanuts and he starts eating them and throwing the shells on the ground.
Me: Hey, what are you doing? I don't think you're suppose to throw the shells on the ground like that in here.
Him: Yeah we can! My Dad even told me we can do that. Its okay.
I look around and the floor looks really clean.

Me: Are you sure about that?
Him: Yeah, I'm serious! We really can, I'm not kidding!
I look at his tray of peanuts and then back up at him.
Me: haha! Well, in that case...

I reach for the peanuts and start munching away, enjoying throwing the shells freely on the floor.
We sit there talking, eating peanuts and throwing the shells on the floor like its nobody's biz!
My brother and brother-in-law sit at the table behind us as my nephew and I continue to talk away.
I hear them laughing loudly and my brother says, "Oh my gosh, Suzie, what are you doing??!"

We turn around.
Me: What am I doing?
Brother: You aren't suppose to throw the shells on the floor in here!
Me: Yeah, Kyy said we can.
 I look at my brother-in-law.

Me: He told me you said we could.
He looks at my nephew and tells him, "We are not at Heroes Kyy." (place where you can throw your shells freely on the floor)
My nephew looks up at me and smiles with a shrug of his shoulders and we all start laughing.
I look around again and get really embarrassed when I compare our area to the rest of the place. 

Xx Suzie
I hope you enjoy this video. I'm pretty obsessed with it.

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