Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Oftentimes I sit down to write something about/for you and I go blank. I suppose when you love someone else so deeply, it cannot properly be put into words. Its more like a Melody that plays in your heart and sings to you whenever you need it. When you forget what you're made of, and what you are capable of... when you are at your highest and at your lowest... and everywhere in between... its a timeless, endless love song to play to the chords of my heart and keep it beating strong... with purpose and perseverance, with tenacity, strength and kindness... with everything you've taught me, realized or not. They say you should, "Dance as though no one is watching you, love as though you've never been hurt before, sing as though no one can hear you, and live as though Heaven is on Earth.-Souza" Your song has taught me to do all of the above. Thank you Dad.


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