Thursday, July 14, 2011


She steps over their toys sprawled all over the stairs and smiles as she walks into the kitchen.
She looks at him in his uniform and thinks back to the day he told them he would be a Dad.
"He's only 16 years old." She said.
"I'll be 17 when she's born." He added.

"She's 16 years old now." He said.
"Soon you will walk her down the aisle." She said.

"I'm proud of you." She said.
"I'm proud of you too." He said.

Her car needed to be fixed so she went to her Dad and asked him who she should take it to.
He took it to his friend and brought it back for her with directions.
"Take it to these people and tell them you need a new hose, then take it back to my friend (with directions)."
"Okay thank you Daddy." She said.
She brought the hose to get it fixed and was sent home with a quote for $65.

"How much are they going to charge you?" Her Dad asked.
"$65". She responded.
"That's too much." He said.
"Call them up. Tell them... just give me the phone and I will talk to them." He said.
10 minutes later...
"Okay, go down to this shop and tell them 'Doug' sent you to get the part for your car, then take it back to the first place and you pay $55, not whatever they told you."

She walks into the wrong shop.
"Umm hi, 'Doug' sent me to pick up the part for my car." She says to the lady at the front desk in the office.
The lady looks at her with a surprised face. "Umm, I'm not quite sure you're at the right place."
"hmmm, well, this is the address but it sure didn't look like a place with car parts." She says almost embarrassed.

"Do you know the name of the place?"
She runs out to the car to check the paper.
"Yes..." She gives her the wrong name.
"Do you know the suite number?" The lady asks.
She runs out to the car to check the paper and comes back in.
"Yes, its Suite D". She says.
The lady points her to the back of the alley.
She goes into the right shop and catches the guy at the desk off guard.

"Umm, hi, I'm here to pick up the part for my car." She says.
"Umm, do you know who is working on it?" He asks, rising to his feet.
She presses her lips together... "mm, no, actually I don't, sorry".
"Its okay, I'll go and check it out for you." He leaves the room.
"Thank you!" She says it as he exits.

He opens the door and ushers her through.
"Thanks." She says as she passes him propping the door open.
Another Man greets her and hands her a bag with her car parts in it as the Man behind him jumps to his feet.
"Anytime you need welding done you know where to come!" He says with a huge grin.
"Thanks." She says as she walks away laughing to herself.

She goes back to the first place with the parts and the guy out front immediately ushers her back to the guy fixing the hose.
She takes it to the front desk to pay after he completed it.
The same guys who'd given her the quote a day earlier start, "Your Dad doesn't think we really had to weld the piece together but we really do."
He shows her the area on the hose to prove it and even after she looked she didn't understand what he was talking about.

"Yeah, well, what can I say? He's just trying to look after his daughter." 
She continues, "You know, he's just trying to show me the ropes, giving me contacts and showing me who I can trust and where to return my business and who will take care of me. You know?".
The guy chuckles. "Yea, I can understand that. I just sent my wife to get something for her car recently and I sent her to this guy because my friend got a good deal from him for the same thing she had to fix. The problem was, when she went, he charged her $70 more!"
"Wow. No way." She said, surprised and trying to process the information.
"That's a shame." She added.

Both of the guys in the office politely laughed a bit, thought to themselves, and shuffled things around on the computer.
"Okay, well your total is $54."
She smiled, happily thinking about how she got a dollar off more than what her Dad had bargained for.
"Thanks so much guys. I really appreciate it." She said.
The guy handing her the papers gave her a strong hand shake.
"It was a pleasure doing business with you. Please come back again." He said with a warm smile in which she returned.
She walked out of the shop feeling respected, valued and covered.

She got home.
"Here is the part." She gave him the new part which he was anxious to thoroughly check.
"Hmm, pretty good." Her Dad said with approval.
He called his friend. "Okay, let's go drop off your car at 'Moe's' station."
She follows him there and his friend ushers her into the garage.
"Is it okay if I pick it up tomorrow before 10am?" She asks.
"Sure! I will have it ready for you!" He says it with a warm smile, happy to see her Dad (his good buddy).
"Thank you so much!" She says as her Dad makes small talk about putting new back tires on also and they leave the station.

She again felt covered, valued and respected.
She thought to herself... This is what it means to have a brilliantly beautiful Man in your life.
His arms and heart are always open to you. Both His goals and objectives include helping you to feel loved, valued, protected and respected... making even the little, seemingly insignificant things significant.... just for you.

Xx Suzie Sateri

I'm loving this band and this song is one of my favorites because it reminds me of when my brother became a Dad. I believe it describes when a Father finds out he will be welcoming a child into the world. I hope you enjoy it!!!

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