Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Moon of Mine Children’s Book

This is my Children’s Book, Moon of Mine. The kid talks to the moon as it goes through it’s monthly cycle (based off of NASA’s moon cycle from the month of November, 2014). I hope you enjoy!

Suzie Sateri


I sit down at the table with my new pen in hand. It says two letters I'm familiar with as a result of a family history full of them... RN.
It was in the drawer of a piece of furniture my Mom bought Michael and I for our Birthdays. I opened the drawer, expecting no more than emptiness and I found it.
The pen matches the particular piece of furniture it was in. It's relatively ancient. I look at it and think, "It's gorgeous!". Not to mention, it writes well.
I love it. Not for what it is exactly, but because it gives me thoughts of hope, health, love, healing and wellness.
A gifted piece of furniture, sourced from some of my favorite people and RN's, arrives this pen. Was it intentionally placed in the drawer for me?
I wonder.
And so I decide to make it work.

Suzie Sateri

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

U.S. vs England Women's World Cup Game

   I have some coins my Father gave me recently that are World Cup 1994 coins. These are valuable coins, not just because of their value, but because I went to the 1994 World Cup final game with my Father. We had good seats, it was hot and a guy in one of the seats behind us had a stroke during the game. I remember details like that. Especially that guy because I remember looking at him and wondering what was happening to him followed by him having the actual stroke and members of the Emergency Crew swarming around to help him.

   That Brazil vs Italy game went into shootouts and ended with Brazil as the winner. I was playing club soccer at the time and was extremely passionate about the sport. I'd grown up going to cheer for my Dad's team every Sunday as a kid and having the opportunity to attend that final game was such a gift. The game was exciting all the way up until the last goal. I am forever grateful for the memories I have surrounding the sport of soccer. Of course I hope that guy who had a stroke lived through it and had a happy life.

   As a human being, we know what it's like to be passionate about life. We know what it's like to feel sad, and what it's like to feel happy, excited, upset, tired, energized... We have empathy for one another's suffering and great joy together through triumphs. Even animals have human like qualities when it comes to characteristics such as these. 

   I went to visit my parents with my sons today and when I walked into the house, the U.S. vs England Women's World Cup game was on. I was delighted to sit and watch the remainder of the game with my Mom and Dad. We even had my 2 year old son running around the table toward the end of the game, chanting, "U.S.A., U.S.A.!!!". 

   We were happy to see the U.S. win and celebrate with hugging and elated emotions! And, of course, when the player from the England team was laying on the ground after the game, my 4 year old son asked, "What is she doing laying on the ground?", I had to pause with empathy when I replied, "She's probably crying." Then we watched as the other tear filled eyes England player waved to the crowds. She had the look in her eyes that told me she was happy, even though her team didn't win, because she gave it her all. 

   My Father always told me when he was my soccer coach, if you walk onto the field and give everything you have to each moment of the game, you will exit the field with happiness, even when you're sad because your team didn't win, knowing you gave it your all. I was so happy to celebrate with the U.S., knowing when we cheer for the U.S. team, greatness happens all over the world. And I was blessed to look into those eyes of the woman from the United Kingdom, reminding me of the beautiful lessons, forever ingrained in my soul.

Suzie Sateri

Thursday, June 20, 2019


I've been looking at the houses of our parents and parent's friends going up for sale recently. Simultaneously, admiring the fact that our parent's friends, parents and family are, once again, showing us how much they care for us. Giving us shade like a tall tree to a young boy in a sunny garden. One generation to the next.

While we're getting situated in our forever home, buying our forever home, or planting the thought seeds about the possibility of living in our dream home, the generation who raised us is continuing to do so by closing doors of the past and opening bright possibilities.

While we were looking at places we could "potentially afford", our guides are teaching our spirits to believe bigger and better. The generation who raised us are opening the houses that we grew up in. We know those houses and love them. We loved playing in them, sleeping in them, swimming at them and simply feeling at home in and around them.

Instead of knowing a house is for sale and not having the courage to walk through the open house because it's "out of our price range", we are excited to walk through the house to reimagine the great memories that continue to live in those spaces. We're guided to think of pure and happy memories that make a home.

To those of you who love, support, raise and lead us, thank you, once again, for giving us the freedom to pursue happiness and find life in our living. One generation to the next.

Suzie Sateri

Monday, June 17, 2019

Hi Dad


There is not one time in my life that I didn't feel loved by you.
Yes, sometimes discouraged from your lectures.
Once in a while disappointed when I made a mistake and you believed better for me.

But not once, throughout our ups and downs, did I not feel loved by you.
Dad, you've carried me through so many difficulties in life.
Dad, you've celebrated the greatest moments with me.

Dad, there is not a day that goes by that I don't feel loved by you.
Even through your anger I see your smile.
Even through your tears I see your happy soul.

Dad, I remember you told me "Wisdom has many eyes".
I see yours through the friends and loved ones who I hold so dear.
Dad, I've lived 38 years of my life, knowing I have a Father who loves me.

I think of the past memories of you and our family with a smile in my heart.
When I look to the future I want to freeze each moment I have with you.
Dad, you've been the greatest source of hope and light in my life.
Through your lessons of wisdom I've constantly understood, I have a Father who loves me.

I love you,


Friday, June 7, 2019

Luck Prosperity and Good Fortune

Once in a while I'll look around and try to categorize people. I'll think to myself... Okay, this particular race is (Insert description). Or, this certain religion is (Insert description). Or this language is for (Insert description). Or, if someone looks like this then (Insert description). Whenever I try to categorize like that, I realize that not all people who look like that, speak/write like that, are a certain religion or a particular race are (Insert description).

I loved what I read years ago in the Bible because it said, "Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other." - Genesis 11:7. I've thought about what I read for years. The father of my sons and I have some art work we got for our first apartment together. We had to ask about the significant meanings of the writing and symbolism within the pieces. I love those pieces of art like the beginning of a love story. Like the bones of a good house or like the "Jack and Sally" of all characters.

After years of exploring different pieces of art together as well as painting together some of our own work, I sit back and stare at those first pieces of art we got for our first apartment. I think about that verse I read and wonder if our languages were confused at that time in our relationship on purpose. Perhaps we could only understand each other sometimes.

Each time I find myself beginning to categorize people, I think about the verse I read and realize it's the same type of concept. Not only our language is confused sometimes, but also the way we look, our religion and our race... Is that what wisdom and love truly stand for? None but the pure essence of humanity that is all encompassing.

Suzie Sateri