Friday, June 7, 2019

Luck Prosperity and Good Fortune

Once in a while I'll look around and try to categorize people. I'll think to myself... Okay, this particular race is (Insert description). Or, this certain religion is (Insert description). Or this language is for (Insert description). Or, if someone looks like this then (Insert description). Whenever I try to categorize like that, I realize that not all people who look like that, speak/write like that, are a certain religion or a particular race are (Insert description).

I loved what I read years ago in the Bible because it said, "Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other." - Genesis 11:7. I've thought about what I read for years. The father of my sons and I have some art work we got for our first apartment together. We had to ask about the significant meanings of the writing and symbolism within the pieces. I love those pieces of art like the beginning of a love story. Like the bones of a good house or like the "Jack and Sally" of all characters.

After years of exploring different pieces of art together as well as painting together some of our own work, I sit back and stare at those first pieces of art we got for our first apartment. I think about that verse I read and wonder if our languages were confused at that time in our relationship on purpose. Perhaps we could only understand each other sometimes.

Each time I find myself beginning to categorize people, I think about the verse I read and realize it's the same type of concept. Not only our language is confused sometimes, but also the way we look, our religion and our race... Is that what wisdom and love truly stand for? None but the pure essence of humanity that is all encompassing.

Suzie Sateri

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