Tuesday, July 2, 2019

U.S. vs England Women's World Cup Game

   I have some coins my Father gave me recently that are World Cup 1994 coins. These are valuable coins, not just because of their value, but because I went to the 1994 World Cup final game with my Father. We had good seats, it was hot and a guy in one of the seats behind us had a stroke during the game. I remember details like that. Especially that guy because I remember looking at him and wondering what was happening to him followed by him having the actual stroke and members of the Emergency Crew swarming around to help him.

   That Brazil vs Italy game went into shootouts and ended with Brazil as the winner. I was playing club soccer at the time and was extremely passionate about the sport. I'd grown up going to cheer for my Dad's team every Sunday as a kid and having the opportunity to attend that final game was such a gift. The game was exciting all the way up until the last goal. I am forever grateful for the memories I have surrounding the sport of soccer. Of course I hope that guy who had a stroke lived through it and had a happy life.

   As a human being, we know what it's like to be passionate about life. We know what it's like to feel sad, and what it's like to feel happy, excited, upset, tired, energized... We have empathy for one another's suffering and great joy together through triumphs. Even animals have human like qualities when it comes to characteristics such as these. 

   I went to visit my parents with my sons today and when I walked into the house, the U.S. vs England Women's World Cup game was on. I was delighted to sit and watch the remainder of the game with my Mom and Dad. We even had my 2 year old son running around the table toward the end of the game, chanting, "U.S.A., U.S.A.!!!". 

   We were happy to see the U.S. win and celebrate with hugging and elated emotions! And, of course, when the player from the England team was laying on the ground after the game, my 4 year old son asked, "What is she doing laying on the ground?", I had to pause with empathy when I replied, "She's probably crying." Then we watched as the other tear filled eyes England player waved to the crowds. She had the look in her eyes that told me she was happy, even though her team didn't win, because she gave it her all. 

   My Father always told me when he was my soccer coach, if you walk onto the field and give everything you have to each moment of the game, you will exit the field with happiness, even when you're sad because your team didn't win, knowing you gave it your all. I was so happy to celebrate with the U.S., knowing when we cheer for the U.S. team, greatness happens all over the world. And I was blessed to look into those eyes of the woman from the United Kingdom, reminding me of the beautiful lessons, forever ingrained in my soul.

Suzie Sateri

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