Thursday, December 30, 2010

Saying Thank You

I want to Thank you.
She looked up at her.
For what?
For being my friend.
Why do you say that I'm your friend?
Because I know you are.
How do you know?
I feel it.
Feel what?
I feel you holding my hand.
I don't know, I can't explain, but I wanted to Thank you.
Sorry, I guess I should have accepted the Thanks rather than be so inquisitive.
Why is it, do you suppose, that I am so inquisitive?
Because you are searching for ways to be a better friend.
How do you know?
Because you are just like me.

Suzie Sateri

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

He Who Crossed

The end of the year is here and it seems like 2010 had wings it flew by so fast! As I sit back and watch the rain pour down on the rolling green hills and appreciate the way the clouds sit like a pillow on the top peaks, I reflect on what I need to take from all of my reflections. I've been inspired to start a new style.

He walked over to the girl at the park and asked her how she was.
She looked up at him with tears welled in her eyes and replied she was just fine.
He sat down next to her and she moved away.
He waited a while and threw the ball around with his son.
His eyes found the girl again and he moved toward her.
She starred blankly into the open space next to the oak trees.
He sat next to her again and this time he put his arm around her and told her to relax.
She hid her face in the shelter of his arm and she closed her full eyes.
She listened to him talk.
He was gentle and kind. He spoke to her like a father would a daughter.

She absorbed his words as they vibrated in her mind.
A calm came over her long shaking body and she sat up straight.
She thanked him and left the park.
A few days later he saw her in the same place at the park hunched over, shaking and crying.
He watched people walking by and kids taunting her as she sat with her eyes buried in her arms.
He crossed the street and took his place next to her again, helping her clean her face.
As she smiled up at him he could see her soul and he felt the need to connect.
He decided to take responsibility for teaching her and helping her with what he could.
Not necessarily because its what he wanted or intended to do, but he could see how she needed it.
Every day he returned to the park and took his place next to her.
He began to bring her sack lunches his wife had packed for her.
She began to nourish her body while he taught her spirit encouragement.

Then she didn't come to the park for a long while.
He wondered and worried about her but he went along with his usual routine.
Then the day came. He saw them push her off of the bench and as he crossed the street to shelter her, he watched her quickly rise to her feet. His footsteps were hesitant when he watched her swinging her limbs around in a rage, knocking anyone and everyone down who crossed her path. A proud grin filled his face from ear to ear as he took his place next to this girl who seemed a shadow of her former self. He laughed to himself in utter dismay it could be the same person.
She was embarrassed.
He sat next to her and put his arm around her again.
She was surprised he was so calm after seeing her in that state.
He laughed and he couldn't stop laughing. So she sat and began laughing next to him.
They laughed until their cheeks hurt.

Suzie Sateri

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Elevate the Beat

Somehow it all falls away and blends in like splashes in a body of water
Everything feels full.
Circle spins and looking glass magnifies the small miracles... the driving force behind the great.
Wave crashes over mentality
Consciousness animated
Breathe in. Breathe out. Smile. Laugh.
Superhuman touch elevates the beat
Uncompromisingly potent
Love permeates the room
Compassion encompasses the walls of my heart
I Forgive.

Suzie Sateri

Inspired by:
I hope this moves you like it did me. Forgive.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ride the Wave

Elevate thoughts
Lift dreams
strength and courage
peace and serenity
love and don't ever stop loving

Suzie Sateri

Monday, November 22, 2010

That Crazy Love

Body language. An open hand is an open gesture. The say when you meet dogs you should open your hand to let them sniff you as a friendly approach. Body language studies reveal the fact that people are more attractive and approachable if their palms are facing you because its an open and non-threatening position. Its interesting to think about what our nature has to teach us and how it all connects.

Nature is constantly changing and evolving into something different. Its unpredictable and the forces of nature can bring anyone to their knees. At the same time, there are things about nature which are absolutely predictable. The sun rises and sets daily, the seasons change, and there will always be light somewhere in the dark. Like the unpredictability of the ocean, life's obstacles bring unexpected lessons and in every circumstance there is something to be learned.

Things and people contradict themselves and you can be a good guy or a bad guy no matter what you've done. I guess that's the beauty of it. Just like nature and the ocean, life is so deep and wide that there are so many unknowns lingering beneath the surface and in order to find any sort of understanding you must focus on the heart of it all which is inside of you. You are not better or worse then anyone, just in a different stage and where there is understanding there is love.

"Love is like the sea"... our job is to just find a way to simply Be. "When you point your finger, notice there are three pointing back at you." I guess the best way to live is with open hands, ready to give and receive for the greater good. We can only control ourselves and it is our job to remember when we are pointing the finger what the other three are trying to say to us. When things get tight, take the clenched fists & release the fingers into open palms, unarmed and ready to serve.

"Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is not jealous, boastful, proud or rude. Love hopes all things and endures all things. Love never fails." Love doesn't point at you, instead the nature of love is open handed and welcoming, bearing fruit that satisfies the soul. Love is the most powerful and unpredictable force on the planet and it can be found anywhere in anything in anyone at anytime. The choice is ours.

Suzie Sateri

Enjoy this song and video! Xx SS o

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Inside the Spirit

There is something in the spirit... Something that captures the soul and the very essence we are made of. The spirit is "life, breath, vitality, animation, psyche, essence, substance, soul, vision, courage, boldness, enthusiasm, humor, frame of mind, temper..." (-thesaurus). We all have a spirit and I believe the spirit is like a muscle. The more we strengthen it, the stronger and more sustainable it becomes. Also, the more we practice having access to it, the more we will gain access... I also believe strengthening your spirit is like strengthening your Faith; its a life long process.

Salt and light are agents of change. Salt adds flavor. Light dispels darkness. We are meant to be the salt of the earth and we can add flavor by feeding our spirit because that's where the light is found. In the place that can't be explained by science or time and place... the spirit is the essence that we are all connected to.... like love as the ocean. I believe when the spirit is expressed wondrous things happen and miracles are born because light is revealed.

Our free will determines how we want to or will allow our spirit to shine. It can shine in various capacities and eventually will effect something or someone somewhere in someway. For some people its in their music, corporation, acting, art, writing, communicating, comedy... for others maybe in their teaching, in their environmental involvement, sports, technology... either way we are throwing our flavor into the big combination daily whether we make that attempt or not.

All of the flavors are mixed into the melting pot and we are all indefinitely changed by one another... I asked my little Ethan (11 yrs old) why he loves Eminem's music so much and in his description of all of the good things he had to say about Marshall Mathers, he said sometimes his music makes him cry. I think its in the place where science and time and space can't divide us where we can find connection and purpose. Its in feeding the spirit where we find any sort of satisfaction.

Suzie Sateri

I hope you enjoy the song!

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Big Bang

 The Big Bang. The fire ball created the Universe. The expansion came from extreme states of heat just like a diamond is formed under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions. Both have the ability to disperse light of different colors. Not like a diamond is any basis for comparison with the Universe but it is an interesting concept to think some of the most remarkable miracles can happen from the most heated circumstances. What we think might burn us alive can actually be what builds and forms the most beautiful from the inside out... from the ground, up. 

I guess that's just how it works. The natural. There is much agitation before the fire is ignited and there will be even more if you are considering the flame of a fire ball. Sticks are rubbed furiously together, match hits the box and the sparks start to fly... it takes building before a fire ball is able to fly. Maybe that's just the way its suppose to be. The agitation comes before the rogue and the spark before the fire. The Big Bang happens and that's how everything changes. The wild fire burns with love and every live creature feels the heat while it rapidly expands. 

What if you gave up? No more rubbing the sticks together- no more brushing the match against the box- no more ignition of the flame- no more flame- no more fire ball- everything stays the same- no new growth- no change. What if you gave up? No more building the wave that will set off many others spinning into the vastness with love- no more building relationships- no more hope- no more trust- no more waves- no more surf- stagnant water. Sometimes when we feeling like giving up its right before the Big Bang and that's when all of the building is set into motion and rapidly expands with love because you didn't give up and it was in your spirit where people found hope.

A SPIRIT OF LOVE... press on

Suzie Sateri

"The Big Bang was the event which led to the formation of the universe, according to the prevailing cosmological theory of the universe's early development (known as the Big Bang theory or Big Bang model). According to the Big Bang model, the universe, originally in an extremely hot and dense state that expanded rapidly, has since cooled by expanding to the present diluted state, and continues to expand today. Based on the best available measurements as of 2010, the original state of the universe existed around 13.7 billion years ago,[1][2] which is often referred to as the time when the Big Bang occurred.[3][4] The theory is the most comprehensive and accurate explanation supported by scientific evidence and observations.[5][6]

According to the Big Bang model, the universe expanded from an extremely dense and hot state and continues to expand today. A common analogy explains that space itself is expanding, carrying galaxies with it, like raisins in a rising loaf of bread. The graphic scheme above is an artist's concept illustrating the expansion of a portion of a flat universe."
Via: Wikipedia

Enjoy the music!Bang Bang Bang