Sunday, November 7, 2010

Inside the Spirit

There is something in the spirit... Something that captures the soul and the very essence we are made of. The spirit is "life, breath, vitality, animation, psyche, essence, substance, soul, vision, courage, boldness, enthusiasm, humor, frame of mind, temper..." (-thesaurus). We all have a spirit and I believe the spirit is like a muscle. The more we strengthen it, the stronger and more sustainable it becomes. Also, the more we practice having access to it, the more we will gain access... I also believe strengthening your spirit is like strengthening your Faith; its a life long process.

Salt and light are agents of change. Salt adds flavor. Light dispels darkness. We are meant to be the salt of the earth and we can add flavor by feeding our spirit because that's where the light is found. In the place that can't be explained by science or time and place... the spirit is the essence that we are all connected to.... like love as the ocean. I believe when the spirit is expressed wondrous things happen and miracles are born because light is revealed.

Our free will determines how we want to or will allow our spirit to shine. It can shine in various capacities and eventually will effect something or someone somewhere in someway. For some people its in their music, corporation, acting, art, writing, communicating, comedy... for others maybe in their teaching, in their environmental involvement, sports, technology... either way we are throwing our flavor into the big combination daily whether we make that attempt or not.

All of the flavors are mixed into the melting pot and we are all indefinitely changed by one another... I asked my little Ethan (11 yrs old) why he loves Eminem's music so much and in his description of all of the good things he had to say about Marshall Mathers, he said sometimes his music makes him cry. I think its in the place where science and time and space can't divide us where we can find connection and purpose. Its in feeding the spirit where we find any sort of satisfaction.

Suzie Sateri

I hope you enjoy the song!

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