Wednesday, December 29, 2010

He Who Crossed

The end of the year is here and it seems like 2010 had wings it flew by so fast! As I sit back and watch the rain pour down on the rolling green hills and appreciate the way the clouds sit like a pillow on the top peaks, I reflect on what I need to take from all of my reflections. I've been inspired to start a new style.

He walked over to the girl at the park and asked her how she was.
She looked up at him with tears welled in her eyes and replied she was just fine.
He sat down next to her and she moved away.
He waited a while and threw the ball around with his son.
His eyes found the girl again and he moved toward her.
She starred blankly into the open space next to the oak trees.
He sat next to her again and this time he put his arm around her and told her to relax.
She hid her face in the shelter of his arm and she closed her full eyes.
She listened to him talk.
He was gentle and kind. He spoke to her like a father would a daughter.

She absorbed his words as they vibrated in her mind.
A calm came over her long shaking body and she sat up straight.
She thanked him and left the park.
A few days later he saw her in the same place at the park hunched over, shaking and crying.
He watched people walking by and kids taunting her as she sat with her eyes buried in her arms.
He crossed the street and took his place next to her again, helping her clean her face.
As she smiled up at him he could see her soul and he felt the need to connect.
He decided to take responsibility for teaching her and helping her with what he could.
Not necessarily because its what he wanted or intended to do, but he could see how she needed it.
Every day he returned to the park and took his place next to her.
He began to bring her sack lunches his wife had packed for her.
She began to nourish her body while he taught her spirit encouragement.

Then she didn't come to the park for a long while.
He wondered and worried about her but he went along with his usual routine.
Then the day came. He saw them push her off of the bench and as he crossed the street to shelter her, he watched her quickly rise to her feet. His footsteps were hesitant when he watched her swinging her limbs around in a rage, knocking anyone and everyone down who crossed her path. A proud grin filled his face from ear to ear as he took his place next to this girl who seemed a shadow of her former self. He laughed to himself in utter dismay it could be the same person.
She was embarrassed.
He sat next to her and put his arm around her again.
She was surprised he was so calm after seeing her in that state.
He laughed and he couldn't stop laughing. So she sat and began laughing next to him.
They laughed until their cheeks hurt.

Suzie Sateri

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