Monday, January 10, 2022

That’s the Truth

 The best kind of performances are the ones that evoke emotion. A performance is usually telling a story that is beautiful and complex, put together into a perspective that can be somehow understood. I love the ice skating performances I posted. They both brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my face. Ice skating is somewhat relatable to me because I was once an ice skater. I understand how extremely difficult the jumps are and how bruised your hips get during practices. How nerve racking it is to get out onto the ice and try to land every jump with ease, but somehow the nerves disappear in the performance whether one has a perfect skate or not. When it’s time to perform, it’s time to perform and all you have left is to give it your very best. 

It reminds me of when my Dad coached me in soccer. He pulled me to the sideline when I was having a hard game and he said, “Suzie, it doesn’t matter if you win or lose. What matters is that when you step out onto that field, you don’t give 100% effort, you give 110% effort. Every tackle, every head ball, every shot, every pass. If you leave everything you have inside of you on that field, by the end of the game, it won’t matter if you win or lose. You’ll be happy either way.” And that’s the truth. 

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