Sunday, January 2, 2022

Not Today Bruno

“ 2022 is your year! 🎉 When in doubt: Silenzio, Bruno!” - @Disney 

“Silenzio Bruno!!!”, Ellington and Maximillian say as they ride their bikes down the hill. I laugh. It’s such an endearing term we’ve learned to love. 

For those who don’t already know what it means:

In the movie “Luca”, the one kid tells the other kid that when he gets scared and doesn’t think he can accomplish what he set out to do, that voice inside of his head is named “Bruno” and he just needs to tell it to be quiet. Since the movie is based in a small Italian village, the language he uses to silence the voice that makes him not think he can accomplish his goals is, “Silenzio Bruno!”. This year, in our goals and resolutions, may we remember to “Silenzio Bruno” when we need to. 

Thanks to the quote board in Starbucks I found this gem:

“Let go of the thoughts that don’t make you strong.” - Karen Salmansohn

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