Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Dr. Gray

A little while back, my car window was shattered in the Disneyland theme park parking lot. A girl walking next to me immediately called security when we noticed glass all over the floor and I told her it was my car. The glass was shattered into my car and all over the car seat of my child. The car next to me had their window broken too but the glass from their car was on the ground so it looked like someone kicked the window out from the inside.

Security, the police, and a forensics team were called. I was told I'd be fully compensated and the people/person responsible would be arrested and held responsible. It was also determined that the arrest and charging of the person/s responsible was not up to me, it would happen whether or not I chose to.

From the car, my wallet was taken, containing my health insurance cards as well as the health insurance cards of my children, my check book and a few other cards/items that I can't think of off of the top of my head.

This incident has taught me a few things. It has taught me a group of caring citizens is all that is required for making the world a better place. When we put our heads together for a good cause, things can change and global progress can be made.

For a writer, creator, author or inventor, the most difficult part of the process is perhaps, success. The reason being when a writer creates a character, perhaps from inspiration of someone being funny, trying to create laughter and joy, or wanting to share a voice that makes you laugh, when that character is brought to life because of an actor/actress or whatever the case may be, it is disturbing. It puts the creative process on the back burner because the writer/creator is aware of this life that they wrote or created as fiction. It is similar to having the passenger side of your car window shattered at Disneyland.

I wonder if that is how people feel when I post music videos on this blog. I don't ask them for permission to do so.

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