Monday, October 17, 2011

Exploring the Getty

 The Getty Museum is located off of the 405 fwy in Los Angeles and is home to an extensive collection of visual arts pieces we had the pleasure of exploring. When you arrive at the Getty, the parking structure leads you to a tram, which you then take to the center to explore all there is to offer at the Museum. When you arrive inside of the greeting area at the center, you will find maps to help direct your journey.

The Italians and I browsed through a few different areas of the museum and were able to enjoy works from various artists. This fountain below is one that stands in the center of the museum and looks refreshing to take a dip in, although you might get in trouble if you tried swimming in it.The outdoor areas also contain magnificent views of the entire surrounding areas of Los Angeles.

On the next blog I'd like to share a few of the pieces with you that caught my eye.
For now, I hope you're having a wonderful day.

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