Friday, September 24, 2010

The Glittered Sky

To create is to bring into existence what has not yet had the chance to rise before
To create is to produce, perform, build, construct, make and form. 
All of creation (as we know it) is the Universe
Creation is a result of creating -- Creation is original.
The inventive artist finds ways to be productive.

 There is always a way. The gift of the artist comes in finding the path and blazing the trail when they arrive. It comes with imagination and requires nature, totality and Faith.

I was walking my dog the other day and for the first time I realized why he was running crooked. I'd seen him do it hundreds of times but I didn't really understand the nature of it until the other day when it clicked in my mind. He is a Herding Dog by nature, a sheep dog, so his job is to keep the herd going in the right direction. Well, when we go walking, I/we are his herd and I noticed him walking according to that pattern. 

When I was going too far to the right side of the trail, he would turn his back side all the way to the right with his head and neck facing the left to point me in the right direction. Then, when I moved over to the other side of the trail he switched his positioning in the exact opposite direction to guide me the right way. I laughed to myself thinking about these things that are so innate to us that we might not even be aware of on the conscious level but we each have special gifts and talents to offer.

My dog was born a herder and his natural instincts come out in any circumstance but sometimes in different form. For example, if he was herding a group of sheep somewhere he'd be running circles around them and maybe biting their legs to get them moving. If he is near the kids around the pool he herds them away from the water by nudging them with his nose. When he hikes or walks with humans, he is the guide and makes sure they are moving along together on the right path just by shifting his body. No matter what, he just naturally does his job.

We all have instinctive gifts inside and we all have the ability to create ways to use them. We will come to different paths and platforms in which our gifts and talents will be used accordingly. May our creations shine as if we just threw a fist full of glitter into the sky and created sparks of light illuminating the darkness. Or may our creations be a solid beacon of light to brighten the path for others who don't know the way. The best of all creations are drawn from the source of all creation. The Creator, the Maker.

Suzie Sateri

I love this creation by Pink ! ;)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Love Rogue

You're my rogue
Coming from somewhere deep inside of the chambers of my heart
Small beats that seem insignificant send vibrations throughout my blood stream
The magnificence of the build floods my entire being
I'm left astounded at the beauty and mastery of it all 

Something bigger than us... living in impossibility

In deep water we tread
The storms and strong winds howl
You let me wrap my tired body around yours to give me rest and you stay afloat
The fast currents converge and somehow the agitation brings hints of the spontaneity
The unseen that brings about the unexplainable

Something bigger than us... living in impossibility 

Formed wave comes crashing down upon seemingly calm waters
From a place deep and unexpected 
Cause and effect
Freak, monster, abnormal waves crashing together causing endless ripples of love
Powered by the effect of ONE BEAT
To each their own

Something bigger than us... living in impossibility

Xx Suzie 

"Rogue waves (also known as freak waves, monster waves, killer waves, extreme waves, and abnormal waves) are relatively large and spontaneous ocean surface waves that occur far out in sea, and are a threat even to large ships and ocean liners.[1] In oceanography, they are more precisely defined as waves whose height is more than twice the significant wave height (SWH), which is itself defined as the mean of the largest third of waves in a wave record. Therefore rogue waves are not necessarily the biggest waves found at sea; they are, rather, surprisingly large waves for a given sea state. "Rogue waves are not tsunamis, which are set in motion by earthquakes [and] travel at high speed, building up as they approach the shore. Rogue waves seem to occur in deep water or where a number of physical factors such as strong winds and fast currents converge. This may have a focusing effect, which can cause a number of waves to join together."[1]"

Monday, September 20, 2010

For You Sister

"Sister I hear you laugh, my heart fills full of keep me please... Sister, when you cry, I feel your tears running down my face. Sister, keep me. I hope you always know its true I would never make it through. You could make the sun go dark just by walking away... I feel you beating in my chest, I'd be dead without Sister.. You could make the Heavens fall just by walking away. Sister, when you laugh, my heart fills full of keep me please... Sister, when you cry, I feel your tears running down my face.. Sister, keep me." -Dave Matthews

I see you teaching in your classroom that feels like Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. I am so blessed to have had you as my teacher growing up. You are my strength... your strength is indomitable. "Did I ever tell you you're my hero? ...You are the wind beneath my wings." You mean everything to me. I admire everything about you. I'm so proud of you and I always have and always will strive to be more like you. "You stand by me and I stood tall... I have your love, I have it all." You mean everything to me and I just wanted to write you a little something that might be able to express the smallest fraction of the love I have for you. Your heart beats in my chest.

I love you so much and I hope you are blessed over and over and over again every single day of your life. You mean the world to me. Thank you for your love.
 ... From my heart to yours.
Suzie Sateri

One Beat.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

God Bless America

God Bless America

Mother nature rip roars her waves like a Momma Bear protecting her threatened cubs.
Birds bathe in the shallow of the waves and the sun's luminous light dazzles across the ocean's surface.
The rich Man plays fetch with his dog on the beach living his dream.
The immigrant Man stares sleeplessly out of his car window at the Man wishing that life for his son who drifts away comfortably in the back seat wrapped by the loving arms of America.
God Bless America.

Her hands stretched outward welcoming and open to people of all kinds, knowing its the mixing of the ingredients that make something flavorful.
Its the combination; The blending of the soup in the Melting Pot that makes America the country it is.
"The land of the free and the home of the brave." Like the brave Man in the car next to me who was willing to sacrifice everything he's ever known to give his son the life he always dreamed of having.
And the Free like the Man who is a living example of everything he ever desired. 

God Bless America

"Fear and Gold divide us"; Love has the power to bring us together as ONE.
Freedom writing my heart out.
Attempting a better today for a better tomorrow.
United we stand; Together, for the Greater Good.

God Bless America

Bless everyone on the pursuit of happiness. "Stand beside her, and guide her, through the night with the light from above."
Every minute is a gift of life. Joy, peace and kindness open their wings and life and liberty are born.
Goodness, self-control, gentleness and Faith are encouraged on this soil and the fruits born from the "Tree of Life" are what make the country so sweet.
"One Nation, under God... with Liberty, and Justice for ALL."
God Bless America & God Bless ALL


Love this song by Marina and the Diamonds

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Let Happy Shine!

She let me give her the nick name... fitting. :) Happy has been my friend since we were kids and played on the same club soccer team. Our families became good friends and I went on vacations with her family including the trip to Lake Powell (where I fell off of the top of the house boat and woke everyone up one night) -- :-D. She's freaking awesome and I am Thankful for her friendship!!! ...And I included some girls who I love in the pics as well!