Friday, September 24, 2010

The Glittered Sky

To create is to bring into existence what has not yet had the chance to rise before
To create is to produce, perform, build, construct, make and form. 
All of creation (as we know it) is the Universe
Creation is a result of creating -- Creation is original.
The inventive artist finds ways to be productive.

 There is always a way. The gift of the artist comes in finding the path and blazing the trail when they arrive. It comes with imagination and requires nature, totality and Faith.

I was walking my dog the other day and for the first time I realized why he was running crooked. I'd seen him do it hundreds of times but I didn't really understand the nature of it until the other day when it clicked in my mind. He is a Herding Dog by nature, a sheep dog, so his job is to keep the herd going in the right direction. Well, when we go walking, I/we are his herd and I noticed him walking according to that pattern. 

When I was going too far to the right side of the trail, he would turn his back side all the way to the right with his head and neck facing the left to point me in the right direction. Then, when I moved over to the other side of the trail he switched his positioning in the exact opposite direction to guide me the right way. I laughed to myself thinking about these things that are so innate to us that we might not even be aware of on the conscious level but we each have special gifts and talents to offer.

My dog was born a herder and his natural instincts come out in any circumstance but sometimes in different form. For example, if he was herding a group of sheep somewhere he'd be running circles around them and maybe biting their legs to get them moving. If he is near the kids around the pool he herds them away from the water by nudging them with his nose. When he hikes or walks with humans, he is the guide and makes sure they are moving along together on the right path just by shifting his body. No matter what, he just naturally does his job.

We all have instinctive gifts inside and we all have the ability to create ways to use them. We will come to different paths and platforms in which our gifts and talents will be used accordingly. May our creations shine as if we just threw a fist full of glitter into the sky and created sparks of light illuminating the darkness. Or may our creations be a solid beacon of light to brighten the path for others who don't know the way. The best of all creations are drawn from the source of all creation. The Creator, the Maker.

Suzie Sateri

I love this creation by Pink ! ;)

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