Monday, October 4, 2010

We're the Music

Bless the Fruits of our labor. 

"MUSIC: The combining of sounds and tones as a form of artistic expression. A composition rendered by instruments or singing voices; a copy or copies of such a composition. Any PLEASING combination of sounds."
"MUSIC: harmony, melody, tune, air, strain, song, measure, refrain, tone, sharp, flat, major, minor, key, mode, bridge, theme, movement, orchestration, variation, improvisation, rhythm, BEAT, down-beat, up-beat, off-beat, volume, resonance, symphony, serenade, trio, march, blues, dance, modern, popular, sacred, soul, appreciation, sensitivity..."

Music is both perceived and conveyed within the boundaries of our body, mind, spirit and soul. It can be as simple as the sound of your voice, laughter, your athletic abilities, writing, acting or the ideas you have floating around in your mind. Everyone has music inside of them and the music is heard and played daily whether we are aware of it or not. We are all instruments playing our song into the vast Universe.

In life/work/career/dreams/family/marriage/relationship/friendship trials come. "Love is like the sea"... deep and wide.... filled with the known and unknown.. both powerful and unpredictable.. uncontrollable and extremely significant. Our music sounds and what is heard is up to each one of us in our own journey.

Today we have the opportunity to play... you can go solo, do a duet, you can sing, dance, write people into a trance, work as a team or triumph individually. The reality is, when all is said and done, music is filled with any PLEASING COMBINATION of sounds, consisting of many components. In the bigger picture, we are working together for the Greater Good and we are the different components connected to one beat... love.

Our gift is in our song. Everyone has a sound to fill the Earth with, but the real MUSIC is made with a PLEASING combination of sounds.

Suzie Sateri
Hope you enjoy this MUSIC!!! I love this song!

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