Saturday, May 29, 2021
Would You Hire a Pregnant Lady
Friday, May 28, 2021
Last time there was a plague, it was followed by the 100 years war. After what we’ve been going through in the world, it’s safe to say I’m a little bit nervous. The reason being when people die, their loved ones go through a grieving process, in which one of the steps of grieving is anger. Many of us have lost loved ones and it seems as if the entire world is going through stages of grief together. This is possibly a reason why the 100 years war followed the Black Plague long ago.
We, as human beings, this time around, have evolved since that last happened and hopefully, have become sophisticated enough to be able to avoid that type of consequence to the pandemic we’ve been going through. In this situation, are we better together, or are we better alone?
Thursday, May 27, 2021
The Unseen
Our local Starbucks store has this wonderful wall full of notes. Each note is a quote that can help brighten our spirit. You choose a note off of the wall and read it. I usually get at least one for each member of our family.
Today mine had this quote: “Faith is unseen but felt, faith is strength when we feel we have none, faith is hope when all seems lost.” - Catherine Pulsifer
I believe God exists within each one of us. When we go through difficult times or read a news story that is horribly sad, etc. it can sometimes cause us to question. The stories, when our collective attention is brought to the situation, could be God’s way of helping those involved. Together, we are better in those regards. What happens to each person is between God and that person. Only God knows how he/she was guided and protected through the moments the rest of us hear about, read about, etc. Faith is in the trusting that God is good and will carry us through the most difficult moments we’ve had to and will have to endure over the course of our lifetime.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
The Cocoon
The caterpillar is sorta like a sperm before it meets the egg. Once it meets the egg, it’s similar to a caterpillar turning into a cocoon. Once the butterfly emerges out of the cocoon it takes a little time for it’s wings to dry and until then it walks around trying to fly. The process can be compared to a baby being born from the womb and taking time to learn how to walk.
Our caterpillars have now left what they once were to become what they’re destined to be.
Monday, May 24, 2021
Keep at it
The Forbes article from yesterday inspired me to first of all, set intentions. I set intentions today and when I woke up at 4:45am, my intentions changed from good to great! Something about waking up early helped me to create even better intentions than I’d set last night. Once in a while, that happens, but sometimes when we set intentions, they’re slightly altered or we don’t follow through as we’d planned. If you set goals such as I am going to quit drinking coffee, or I am going to cook and clean every day for a power hour, it often takes several tries to accomplish the goals. If you set a goal and you want to accomplish that goal, keep at it. It might take a little while or several tries until you accomplish what you set out to do.