Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Disneyland's Soil

As I tour around Disneyland I notice the plants and flowers. Many of them are therapeutic and can be used for medicinal purposes. As I've heard, they're constantly being uprooted and replaced with new ones. It makes sense because everything always looks so nice. I think about how great the soil must be as a result of the many people walking around there on a daily basis.

My son's grandmother got these shoes that have spikes on the bottom of them so she could walk around on the soil in the yard and make holes so water could seep in and keep it fertile. I wonder what the soil around soccer fields are like because of the players running on them with their cleats.

It's sort of like the concept of a volcano eruption. The hot lava flows all across the land and creates the best possible soil to grow things on. So if there are so many people walking around main areas in Disneyland, it's just asking the core of the earth to respond to all of the movement with heat. The soil around it is bound to become fertile.

Suzie Sateri

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Club 33

I sat on Pirates of the Caribbean and for anyone who is familiar with the ride, after we passed through the boats shooting at each other I noticed a passage on the left hand side. The ride is dark the whole way through but there was a tunnel that looked like it had tracks for boats to ride on. I wondered if there were any boats that still venture that way, though it is the path less traveled, so to speak.

Club 33 at Disneyland is known as one of the "most exclusive clubs in the world". Do you think it's access leads to a bunch of hidden passage ways throughout the park? I thought, what if there were passage ways like that located in each city, leading to sister cities (also known as twin cities)?

In Upland, our sister city is Senigallia, Italy. Some places, like Long Beach and Bakersfield have several sister cities. Imagine how many Disneyland has. What does Club 33 have to do with it? Hopefully my time and blessing in this universe show me to tell.

Suzie Sateri

Monday, August 31, 2015

Android: 100 Billion Words

Disneyland Main Street

I was walking down Main Street at Disneyland and observing all of the shops beckoning people to come in. They are so inviting and filled with both charm and wonder. When you walk in one of them, you're bound to want to buy something. It is the main area upon entering the park. Most of the time on Main Street you can observe characters or watch a band playing songs etc. You can usually tell when a band is enjoying what they're playing because the music enters your senses and evokes some kind of emotion. It can make you want to dance, laugh, smile, cry...

On the Small World ride I can't help but notice this one character at the end of the ride on the right hand side.. her mouth has a tear in the side of it and when she sings it opens and closes. I wonder how many people have noticed. Should I let someone in guest services know?

These things I am happy to think about as other topics in life can get heavy like my son is becoming. I carry him anyway. When I carry him into the Baby Care Center at Disneyland I think about how much Walt Disney meant the park to be catered to children his age. There is a microwave to heat food, high chairs to feed the babies, a nursing station to breast feed and a changing area with little toilets for young children as well. Caring for the baby in there makes me feel like I'm back in time. I love it.

I observed a lady with short brown hair and I'm tempted to cut mine in a short, fashionable bob again. That's how Walt Disney's wife had her hair when she was around. I wonder what it must have felt like to be her. Her husband's imagination was beyond unique. I wonder what hers was like. I imagine she was a great woman as her husband was a fabulous man.

Anyway, back to Main Street. I thought of the Main Street in my small town and I imagine it transforming into something wonderful like Disneyland's. Why not? We have a band and theater at the High School, the Grove Theater to start... Perhaps if each city made their Main Street so attractive people would appreciate.

Suzie Sateri

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Story Book

It goes something like this... "There are certain limitations when it comes to magic, but with true love, there are none." -The Storybook ride at Disneyland with tour guide Paul 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Saving Mr. Banks (2013) Scene: "Welcome to the Magic Kingdom:)"

Consistent Topic

Disneyland. The magical world where all of your dreams can come true if you wish upon a star. Well, I saw David and Victoria Beckham with their family there today and to be honest, I don't know what to wish for anymore. Perhaps I should wish for my medical credentials or to get married or to move into a beautiful, exclusive home with my son and his father. Maybe I should wish for a new car, van or station wagon so I have enough room to drive small groups of awesome people from place to place comfortably. Instead, I feel happy where I am and that feels good.

I am enjoying motherhood to the fullest and am beginning to allow myself to experience the greatness that comes with being a mom. This greatness for me includes the ability to go to Disneyland on a frequent basis. I've been blessed with the opportunity to write about what I learn and that excites me. I just finished writing a children's story about a kid having conversations with the moon, perhaps I should wish for blessed publications with that. I'm trying to figure out who likes to go to Disneyland more, me, or my son. Only time will tell and we will learn as we go.

Speaking of learning, I found out there is a place called club 33 at Disneyland that is quite exclusive. There is a door outside of the Pirates of the Caribbean exit that apparently only lets people in of their name is on the list. Supposedly the list includes about 400 people and is known to be "the most" exclusive club there is. A friend of my niece said she knocked on the door and the person who answered just gave her a dirty look and closed the door.

We (Ellington and I) enter through at the hands of "the great one". I notice some employees scanning their cards to gain access into a door next to the entrance. I wonder what's behind it. We walk through the entrance and I look to the left at Walt Disney's office above the fire station with the lamp on. We walk further and I admire the diamonds that currently dazzle the Castle's entrance, thinking of a ring I tried on. We stand around the golden spike placed inside the entrance of the castle, marking the center of Disneyland (a total of 160 acres). I am filled with wonder.

Let the adventures continue, even if the weather might be a bit "temperamental". Suzie Sateri