Friday, December 20, 2013

Labeled as Paranormal

I was watching a show where the lady was having issues with her daughter. Her daughter was seeing this girl named Emily, but the mom and dad could not see her. The daughter was having issues with this Emily person but since she was invisible to the mom and dad, they felt powerless. On the show, the little girl tumbled down the stairs and told her mom Emily pulled her down the stairs. The mom was crying in the corner by the end of the show because she didn't know what to do anymore. 
I tried to think of solutions for what, in the show, was being labeled as paranormal actvity. I thought back to when I've been with kids that little and remembered them telling me about people they were seeing, including monsters. When there was a monster claim I had my fists ready to pound them and would ask the kids where they were. After the kid points out the direction of the monster, I kick the poop out of that invisible beast! It always seems to help the kids. Ideas?

Monday, December 9, 2013

Balanced Health

I was just reading through this article from Forbes and found it interesting, but not surprising, that the health care wants and needs of people are primarily focused on customized care. What this means is people are interested in health care that has a far and wide reach. As the article states, this includes, but is not limited to tele health, mobile health and the sharing of health information. 
Tele health can be understood much like television, or telepathy. It's transmitting messages through devices such as the television, internet, nonverbally from person to person, etc. Mobile health is desired by the people which means that health care that can be accessed from anywhere. Lastly, the sharing of health information is important in promoting awareness and empowerment to persons. 
This type of health care makes sense in the place we are but the concern rests here: we are desiring more connectedness while disconnecting. The question is: How can we remain connected while we are disconnected? Somewhere in the answer, balance exists. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Queen of Looneyville

I remember it like I always have but now it looks so different to me. We were being casted in our Jr. High play and we were covering the story of Raggedy Ann and Andy. I, of course, wanted to be Ann, who had blond hair, blue eyes and looked the exact opposite of me. The love of my life at the time was casted the role for Andy and one of my prettiest friends was casted the role for Ann. I was casted the role of the Queen of Looneyville. I was not thrilled at all, to say the least. 
I wished I looked different so I could have a different role because I surely was capable of playing any other role besides the Queen of Looneyville. My teacher, Ms. Good could clearly see my disappointment and gave me some words of wisdom about it. "Suzie, sometimes a role is casted that might not look attractive or wanted, but it takes a certain type of character to be able to step into these unique roles. You could play any other part, but who would I put in your place if you were somewhere else?"
After I decided she was right, I was the perfect fit for the part, I put my mind into it. Plus, one of my friends was casted the part of plaing the donkeys ass where he just stood in the back end of the donkey costume. I was happy with my part when I got to look at it from that perspective. Me playing my part probably made him feel better about himself too. He probably got his kicks in the donkey costume when I had to play the Queen of Looneyville. We both just did what we had to do until the play was over. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

A Nelson Mandela Tribute

"You're my girl!" He smiled at her with uncontainable excitement. She caught his drift but didn't fully understand what he meant.
He came to her when she was at her lowest. She tried to conceal her emotions in front of him but he read her like an open book. 
She could hear the muffled tone behind his laughter and knew he felt her pain. It hurt her more. 
"You're imprisioned when you feel as if you have or are capable of hurting others my child." He spoke in a strong, deep tone. "It's in your best interest to make it your daily intention to live with joy." 

"I would like to be remembered not as anyone unique or special, but as part of a great team in this country that has struggled for many years, for decades and even centuries," he said. "The greatest glory of living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall." -Nelson Mandela 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Persian Art

This is a sample of Persian Art with many more to come. 
I appreciate the eclectic mix of people.