Showing posts with label Queen of Looneyville. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Queen of Looneyville. Show all posts

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Queen of Looneyville

I remember it like I always have but now it looks so different to me. We were being casted in our Jr. High play and we were covering the story of Raggedy Ann and Andy. I, of course, wanted to be Ann, who had blond hair, blue eyes and looked the exact opposite of me. The love of my life at the time was casted the role for Andy and one of my prettiest friends was casted the role for Ann. I was casted the role of the Queen of Looneyville. I was not thrilled at all, to say the least. 
I wished I looked different so I could have a different role because I surely was capable of playing any other role besides the Queen of Looneyville. My teacher, Ms. Good could clearly see my disappointment and gave me some words of wisdom about it. "Suzie, sometimes a role is casted that might not look attractive or wanted, but it takes a certain type of character to be able to step into these unique roles. You could play any other part, but who would I put in your place if you were somewhere else?"
After I decided she was right, I was the perfect fit for the part, I put my mind into it. Plus, one of my friends was casted the part of plaing the donkeys ass where he just stood in the back end of the donkey costume. I was happy with my part when I got to look at it from that perspective. Me playing my part probably made him feel better about himself too. He probably got his kicks in the donkey costume when I had to play the Queen of Looneyville. We both just did what we had to do until the play was over.