Thursday, September 29, 2011


Round like a circle world of evolution spinning slowly
Variety of energy in various forms
Dispersing and metamorphosing
Electromagnetic energy & love
Heart in a body of development
Clusters taking on shape, mirror reflections
Mere reflections of creation spinning gently

Xx Suzie
Hope you enjoy. "Ahmad Jamal - A Quiet Time" 

Monday, September 26, 2011

JazZ ))))))) w/ Sonny Rollins

JazZ.. Ragtime... time for the hot music and improvisation... time for the bop, the hard bop.. the fusion, the boogie-woogie. Jibe with it. What is your experience?

Xx Suzie
I hope you enjoy this video. "Life is a Puzzle - Sonny Rollins"

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Hello everyone! Today I will be talking a little bit about traveling. Have you ever sat and watched people at an airport? I love doing that. You always seem to meet & see some interesting characters. Today I saw one guy who was dressed like a woman with high heel boots on and a mini top hat with his hair matching it. I'm not sure how else to explain that but I didn't take a picture because I felt it would be sorta rude.

*** Anyway, me and my Italian sister were picking up her little sister and while we were waiting we ran into a lady who was trying to make a call in the US from a payphone at LAX airport. *Here, when you are making a call, you need to dial 1 first, and then the number.* Some people don't know that. *The only time you don't use a 1 before you call another number is if it is in the same area code or if you are calling from a cell phone.*

Helping her out helped me to get a few ideas... what if I just went and sat at the airport, greeted and helped people and wrote about things I see and people I meet? People are saying hello, hugging and kissing goodbye... and some are starting a new life, others going back to their old. I mean... its pretty interesting, right? Then I thought of some other cool ideas and I think I'm going to have to do a few or all of them. :)

Love Suzie

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Its Worth it

Risk is worth the gain
Shine like electric beams from the sun
Love others with all you have
Do all you can

Friday, September 16, 2011

Good Site

Freetranslationdotcom-French "Relations basent sur l'amour a la meilleure intention vers l'un l'autre. « Aimer votre voisin comme vous » juste ? Qui considérez-vous votre voisin ? Dans une classe, quand un étudiant a des papiers, ils transmettent les papiers à « leur voisin » qui signifie la personne qui s'assied à côté d'eux. Je suis venu penser au pas juste terme autant que la personne qui habitent en la droite de maison à côté de vous, aussi la réunion de juste personne à côté de vous. Je reconnais pour cela."

Freetranslationdotcom-English "Relations base on love has the better intention towards the one the other.  'To like your neighbor as you' just?  Who do you consider your neighbor?  In a class, when a student has papers, they transmit the papers to 'their neighbor' that means the person that sits next to them.  I came to think about the just step term as much as the person that live in the house right next to you, also the meeting of just person next to you.  I recognize for that."

freetranslationdotcom-Spanish "Algunas veces adivino justo le necesita a la gente que habla su lengua para alimentar y mantener uno gustar y el medio ambiente cooperativo."

freetranslationdotcom-English "Some times I guess just needs to the people that speaks its tongue to feed and to maintain one to like and the cooperative environment."

freetranslationdotcom- Want to hire me? ;)

Xx Suzie