Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bend Down Listen

I'm standing with you -- We are not solitary soldiers
Tall like the indomitable snowmen Master of the sun melts creation in minutes
Iron sharpens iron -- Fearless genius when heart and passion hits liquid
The world morphs into an interchangeable fluid flow according to cups filled

Spyglass focused fire staring pyromaniac reflection of a symphony
Your strength of song holds not only the chords to a single instrument
The orchestra depends on you and they are richly satisfied
Fire balls fill the earth with both light and darkness

One Beat echos in the chorus and sings a song of one single growing energy
Intellectual, spiritual, emotional, physical
Duration of existence with animation, vivacity and vigor
Timeless pieces shattered from the perfect vase

Power in your sweaty palms radiates brilliance
Wounds bleed out from words that cut
Vivid expressions of pain extend to touch the prints of the strangers tips
The fingers connect and furnish the spaces between each others emptiness

In spaces only shadows remain
They all depend on you and they are richly satisfied
Forced hearts holding to replace hopelessness
Mirror reflections alluring genuinely and my heart bleeds with love

Non-conformed transformer victorious strength lies in your breath
You whispered it to me in my unconsciousness
Pushing me through like pen pushes words onto paper
Brilliant expressions of trials and triumphs up the beat

Raised roof with solid foundation holding steadfast ground
The flames you spit bring the Tasmanian devil to his knees
Sucking the pavement and eating the dirt he placed on the grave
Spontaneous combustion ignites hardened souls

Like the moon was made to mark the seasons
and the sun knows when to set
Your song will live on to light a flame for the future generations to feel the FIRE
With everything on this I'd bet

ONE BEAT  -- with two hands
I'm standing with you -- We are not alone
Weaving a new raised pattern
Let the whole world burn with LOVE.

Suzie Sateri

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

"Love is Like ...

The Sea"- Alicia Keys
Its the most beautiful analogy I could have ever thought of.
A Poem in Honor of Poetry Month :)

The Sea

 Always changing, in all directions it moves
as one body

Sister, brother, Mother, Father, Son, Daughter, Ocean
As One Family
We Love

Unpredictable will be the ripples
Caused by the very stones we throw

We move together, as one body
"Love is like the sea"
See love.

Love surrounds you cause that's what you are.

Written by: Suzie Sateri

P.S. If you look at this poem sideways, it looks like a heart beat monitor... ONE BEAT
Enjoy the song!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

So Let Go...

"There is beauty in the break let go, jump in, why you waiting? There's beauty in the break down."

Breakdown = To analyze, examine, investigate, dissect...To fail, stop, falter, misfire, collapse, come unglued...

There is an average in all of us and I think of it as a clothes line... You know, the laundry line you would hang your clothes to dry on? Sometimes I imagine us (people) on a GINORMOUS tight rope kinda like that... every day with our emotions, thoughts and feelings we are at a "normal". Every once in a while we dip down or we go flying up. If you are on the up & up, enjoy it as much as you possibly can and let others fly with you! 
When you dip below your average, you are bound to go up. Its the natural movement.. the way it was meant to be. When you are down, let the natural flow lift you back up higher than you ever dreamed you could go. In the process, "Just let go, because there is beauty in the breakdown". It might not be pretty, but that's when the Diamonds are made... under pressure. Time to get your shine on.

"Let Go" By: Frou Frou

Xx SS o