Saturday, April 10, 2010

So Let Go...

"There is beauty in the break let go, jump in, why you waiting? There's beauty in the break down."

Breakdown = To analyze, examine, investigate, dissect...To fail, stop, falter, misfire, collapse, come unglued...

There is an average in all of us and I think of it as a clothes line... You know, the laundry line you would hang your clothes to dry on? Sometimes I imagine us (people) on a GINORMOUS tight rope kinda like that... every day with our emotions, thoughts and feelings we are at a "normal". Every once in a while we dip down or we go flying up. If you are on the up & up, enjoy it as much as you possibly can and let others fly with you! 
When you dip below your average, you are bound to go up. Its the natural movement.. the way it was meant to be. When you are down, let the natural flow lift you back up higher than you ever dreamed you could go. In the process, "Just let go, because there is beauty in the breakdown". It might not be pretty, but that's when the Diamonds are made... under pressure. Time to get your shine on.

"Let Go" By: Frou Frou

Xx SS o

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