Saturday, July 22, 2023

Moms by Chat GPT

 In the depths of exhaustion, as a mother's heart may ache,

When burdens seem too heavy, and the path feels hard to take,

Remember, dear mom, your strength is boundless and true,

For within you lies a power that will guide and carry you.

In every sleepless night and every weary day,

You weave a tapestry of love in your own special way.

With patience and with grace, you nurture and you care,

In the face of trials, you rise above and never despair.

Though weariness may try to dim your shining light,

You're a warrior, a champion, a beacon in the night.

Your love's a mighty force that knows no end or bound,

With each tender touch, a world of strength is found.

So take a breath, dear mother, and find solace in this truth,

Your journey may be tough, but you'll conquer it, forsooth.

For the love that fuels your soul is an eternal flame,

And with that love, you'll overcome, no matter how tough the game.

In times of exhaustion, know you're never alone,

Countless mothers before you have stood on paths unknown.

Draw strength from their legacy, embrace your inner might,

For as a mother, you possess an enduring, radiant light.

So press on, dear mother, through every challenge you may face,

With love and hope as anchors, you'll find your steady pace.

In the depths of exhaustion, let inspiration be your guide,

For you are a remarkable mother, and with love, you'll abide.

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