Saturday, July 22, 2023

Kid by Chat GPT

 You are so much stronger and braver than you might realize.

In moments of doubt, remember this simple truth,

You are unique and special, with talents that are all your own.

Though challenges may come and mistakes may be made,

Each stumbling block is a stepping stone to help you grow.

Don’t be discouraged if you stumble or fall,

For with each little setback, you’ll learn and stand tall.

You may not be perfect, but that’s perfectly okay,

For perfection is an illusion, just a mirage in the way.

Embrace your imperfections, they make you one of a kind,

With every quirk and flaw, a treasure you will find.

Believe in yourself, little one, and let your light shine,

For inside you lies a universe of dreams to align.

The world is full of wonders waiting for you to explore,

And with each new discovery, your spirit will soar.

So keep your head up high, and trust in who you are,

You have the power within to reach for every star.

In times of doubt, know you’re loved, cherished, and adored,

You’re a shining star, a masterpiece, forever to be adored.

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