Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Your Brilliant Mistakes

There are times I think about writing all of my thoughts about everything for you.
But I wonder if any of it would make sense to you now.
Maybe years away is when you'd gain insight.

So, for now it's hard to know what to say to you, what to write.
I know you're exhausted from trying to be everything you've been for those you love.

Just know you've earned your crown so let it sit beautifully and brilliantly on top of your head.
Your mistakes, forgive yourself.
Every time.

I know where you're kept tightly woven into the fiber of my being.
And with me you will remain until you no longer need me.

Then is when I'll fly away and love you from afar.

Watching your brilliant mistakes thinking about how they don't seem like mistakes at all.

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