Monday, February 13, 2012

Love Revolution

Five of the Men I grew up closest to met in the service when they got out of High School. Iran was having a white revolution at the time and whomever graduated High School had to enter the Military. They entered 18 months of mandatory service and were sent off into different branches to train.
On the Military bases they taught tactical stuff (my Dad is so cute with his accent still he called it "taxical" stuff and I had to correct the word as it showed it was misspelled here) and in the villages they taught people about agriculture, education... If people had graduated from the Universities there, they worked in conjunction with High School graduates to teach civilians and so on.
The five of them were placed as sergeants after the first 4 months of training, not only because of how effectively they passed their exams, but their level of education placed them higher in the ranks.They met on the first night after their 11:30pm arrival because they were up all night making noise and messing with everyone. They found the biggest trouble makers there and decided they'd become a team the next day while they lined up to get reprimanded.
Twelve of them got together and they lined up from tallest to shortest and chose jobs. There were twelve teams of twelve people who were dispersed into different jobs and my Dad along with the other twelve fellas chose to work in the kitchen, knowing it was a job they could easily accomplish while getting the best pick of food out of 144 soldiers.
"Needless to say, my friends always got the best." - My Dad in terms of serving food to fellow soldiers.
After that first 4 months of basic training, they then were deployed to different areas (cities) for 2 months of special training which included things such as learning weapons, operations, strategies and so on. The rest of the time consisted mostly of doing what they knew best and then training other soldiers, civilians, villagers to learn all they needed to know.
After the service all of the five men who met on the first night decided... they were going to come to America!

Xx Suzie

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