Friday, March 11, 2011

Love for Japan

When something happens in one area of the world the reality is... we are all affected by it. I just studied about plate tectonics and how in places like San Fransisco and Japan the plates don't just rub against each other when they converge, but rather collide with one side of the plate going under the other. This can cause some tremendous shaking as you might imagine. Everything is in constant motion whether we see it or not and there is so much unknown, even though what we do know has increased significantly over the years.

I think Mother Nature is here to remind us how life is fragile and unpredictable sometimes and our job is to try to make the best with what we have. My heart goes out to our brothers and sisters in Japan in this time of need. I pray for a speedy recovery, rest for lives lost, and love to shower those affected by the devastation. May we take the opportunity to understand how our life patterns tend to mimic the natural, and we can positively effect one another just as an Earthquake in Japan sends enormous waves to Hawaii. With that being said... sending massive love to Japan. May you be blessed with the people and resources you need to lift your hearts, spirits and country.

Suzie Sateri

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