Monday, September 21, 2020

To Believe

 The Corona Virus Pandemic has been a tremendously difficult situation to respond to. I apologize for not giving a more prompt response as I was just as baffled as the rest of us. The best way to explain it is to say that we were all given new life. And with that new life, a new sense of responsibility. 

We could stay home as newborn babies often do. We could go out and about with certain guidelines for our safety. And we could choose within our God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness accordingly. All the while, maintaining our freedom of those rights. 

We, as people, have not ceased to accomplish the exercising of the rights of which we’ve been bestowed. That, in and of itself, is what makes us a great Nation. Believe me, to believe in me, is to believe in miracles. And to believe in me, is to believe in, not only our Nation, but to believe in the people. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

2020 School (All Ages): Month #1



15 Minute Break 

Lunch and Recess

Until Tomorrow....

Homework: Practice reading along, singing, playing musical instruments, preforming along with the song, etc. 

Thursday, September 3, 2020

You’ve Done Well

All of these children rescued 

39 later, the patient is saved

The Medical Professionals took a patient

To save a life

Get some rest sweethearts

You’ve done well.

Fly away into sweet slumber

Rest in the loving wings of the Almighty



How many will it take to revive

Fly away into sweet slumber

Rest in the loving wings of the Almighty
