Sunday, March 11, 2018

Yellow Roses

My brother and I spoke about making one area of the garden yellow. The area is already primarily yellow with flowers, evergreen shrubs and a new plant that has yellow flowers that smell like honey. All we need now are some yellow roses.
Yellow roses are known to symbolize "joy, wisdom, power and good wishes" according to

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Butter Honey Bread

We make our interpretations.
Listening to stories with no voices dressed up as music.
Judging with our opinions and conclusions.

I giggle like a little girl when I think of us sometimes.
All of us. 
We are something to laugh about often. 

I just want to hear you in your quiet space. 
Unoccupied and doing nothing. 
Maybe some crickets chirping at night.
Maybe some birds chirping in the morning. 

Warm pita bread with honey and butter.
And some words to write.
Maybe 500 tomorrow. 
Fat chance. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Love Heals

And so it happens just like that. When we feel like we're at the end of our rope, or maybe even gave up inside of our heart, someone comes along to keep us going. In the theory of relativity, the frame of reference is the point where we felt we could no longer continue on the path we were on. The people who love us still by our side but they are not the same. What is the same is their love for us and our love for them.

Some of which manifest themselves in ways to let us know they would die for us, lay down their life for us. In the theory of relativity we're provided different space to expand our thoughts, to give us a different perspective and to give us life. Every morning when the sun rises and every night when the moon gives light, our life grows warmer.

Suzie Sateri

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Tessa Virtue, Scott Moir Free Dance at the 2017 World Championships

2018 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony: When, Where And How To Watch The ...

The Winter Olympics

   I read the title of an article recently and it was an article including a list of reasons why we should watch the Olympics. I didn't read the article yet but I've been thinking about the title for days.
   Tonight my parents were watching figure skating and I was able to catch a few routines in the process. Usually I don't watch the men's figure skating. I primarily focus on the women's figure skating and couples routines but tonight I watched the men's figure skating.
   I started thinking to myself about how we really should watch the Olympics when we have the chance. The reason being the athletes practice and practice and practice for sometimes a lifetime. When we watch the Olympics we get a glimpse of what a lifetime of hard work and dedication looks like in a few minutes.