Friday, June 15, 2012

Oregano Splash

Sean, do you want to take oregano oil again?
I'm scared of that.
Come on.. Just try it. It's really good for you.
Okay fine.
He decides it's not that bad and convinces @nice2Mitra to try.
Sean turns back and asks if we have mint because we did last time.
Nope, sorry, not this time.
Sean (sour face).
We find mint gum and everyone is happy.

Picture timeline on @SuzCqomy

Don't Worry Guys...

It's just my balcony. :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

"You Are The Other Me"

I found this in some old classroom stuff and I thought I'd share it.

"You Are The Other Me.
If I Respect You, I Respect Myself.
If I Trust You, I Trust Myself.
If I Do Harm To You, I Do Harm To Myself.
If I Love You, I Love Myself."

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sore Throat?

My sister-in-law was complaining she had a sore throat and I told her she should take about 3 drops of oregano oil at least twice a day plus vitamin c and lots and lots of fluids. Gargle with salt water and that should just about kick it to the curb before it can further develop.

<3 Suzie