Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I sit down right where I'm suppose to be. I take the bait and she moves in. I giggle to myself in my own mind. He is sitting across the way smiling, and I see him out of the corner of my eye. She talks to me about her son and I smile with her, knowing we are speaking also without words in a language understood exclusively in the roots (unseen but you know its there).

The lady next to us (whom I'm facing at the moment) chimed in. They are both Teachers, ironically, though only one of them Teaches in the traditional classroom setting. The three of us talk small talk as innumerable ideas and words dash through my restless mind. The energy gives me new life and I sit here feeling excited, joyful, and most importantly, loved.

I am grateful to find myself in a constant state of wonderment, sometimes incredibly joyful, other times quite the contrary... but my wonder... its always there, ready to drift away into the abyss of nothingness and everything put together. Meh. Welcome to my world right?

Xx Suzie 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Youse Special

What does this remind you of? 

Youse kind
Youse gentle
Youse a great friend
Youse love

Youse smart
Youse talented
Youse a good heart
Youse incredible

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Word Blog :p

 So, today I went on Melody's blog and I'm wondering if I can get the links of all of the blogs she follows? I love to read, I mean... I read things online all of the time, but when it comes to books... I find it difficult sometimes. I choose books more based off of the Author than the actual book. Does anyone else do that?

I want to read more this year so I suppose I should make a goal for myself and read every book that Melody reads. It seems like an impossible goal for me to reach but I'm going to try it anyway. :)

Other than that I'm not sure why she thinks she needs to go on a diet because she knows darn well how to teach her Cycle & Pilates classes. I love the fact that she is firing up recipes in the kitchen again because... her food... :p...

I just got accepted on Pinterest and I'm afraid of how much I'm going to enjoy it. Lastly,  I love how Melody ended her blog on this note... "Good things are happening".

P.S. Love over everything in honor of MLK Day & what it represents.
