Friday, September 16, 2011


via @ihatequotes on Twitter: "When answers aren't enough, kneel on your knees and pray."

I want to know what you think is the best way to uplift another person. 
What do you think? Is it in words? Is it through action? Is it in the giver, or in the receiver? ... does it all matter?

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Disconnection to find connection and connection we find
Full plate with an appetite for only half
Expectations are only what is expected
Moments and time surpass
Let go of things unchangeable
Impact positively
Rest and recuperate
"Remember the past, plan for the future, live for the moment"

Its easy to speak empty words but emotions choke up words with weight so heavy only touch can provide relief

In your arms I find comfort and nurturing
In your presence I find my dreams
In your light, I shine
In your darkness comes my moon
In your laughter I find joy
In your sorrow I find regret
In your smile I see mine
In these moments I render myself speechless

"DEV-In the Dark"

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Desire vs. Need

I liked her voice so much I had to add another! I hope you enjoy! "Maddi Jane - Price Tag (Jessie J)"

Relax and Push

"How do you feel?" He asked.
"I feel grateful." She said.
"What do you see?" He asked.
"I see love. Thank you." She replied.
"My pleasure." He responded with a smile.
"Thank you." She hugged him crying.
"Why are you crying?" He asked.
"All of it..." She continued... "I don't know what to take and what to make from all of it. Every time I look at anything now there is new pleasure as well as a new set of wounds and I'm not sure how to go about dealing with either." She said.
"Relax and push." He said.

Xx Suzie
 "Maddi Jane - Just the way you are (Bruno Mars)" -- Love her voice!!!

Friday, September 9, 2011


Colloco di nuovo la mia mente dopo un pensiero veloce di lei e la maniera lei mi fa sente dei passi calmi attraverso il mio essere

Da dove lei viene?

Sollevare esso

I palloni di straniero attorcigliano e la piroetta fra le folle e balliamo nell'angolo sopra alcuno vino

Le sue parole ed i manierismi risuonano nella mia mente e sono affilato come il ferro

Sollevare esso

Desidero per toccare e tenere la sua mano e sente le sue braccia che amano avvolte intorno a me

Le domande che volteggia nella mia testa e risponde vacillante ma pronto

Sollevare esso

Mi fa vuole aprire le mie braccia per amare ma l'amo?

Desidero per vedere il suo sorriso ripetutamente

Sollevare esso

A volte non capisco realmente ed a volte penso che faccia

Tutto so l'รจ sente buono per essere vicino a lui.

Sollevare esso

Xx Suzie

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Last night a friend and I attended a Jazz Festival. He hopped in my car right before I pulled into the parking structure as I was thinking of how I want to attend a comedy show at the Brea Improv again, which was located right across the street. I was wearing my heels and got so excited walking down the stairs that I practically flew down about 4 of them after I missed one. We laughed and made our way into the crowd.

The stage was huge and there were a ton of white seats with people sitting, waiting for the show to start. We found our chairs and the music began playing. I was stunned. The music was so tasty, instruments diverse, and the musicians just seemed like they were having the most wonderful time! The energy from the stage most definitely rubbed off on the crowd and soon enough, the majority of people who were seated were crowded together on the dance floor. 

I noticed the event was sponsored by "Total Woman Day & Spa" & ironically received a text from my cousin when I read that. I text her back, "Hey, have you ever been to the Brea Jazz Festival and is your new gym Total Woman day & spa?". Her- "Yeah it is!!! Aw damn! I've always wanted to go to that! How is it??" Me- "Its so awesome!!! You should come for sure!... Fridays & Saturdays" Her- "O wooo wooo!!! Let's go!!!"

I watched everyone light up with brilliancy on the floor and felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the ability to attend such an event. It reminded me of when I was staying in a small town in Italy when there was a city get together. Everyone dressed up like the characters on "Grease" and they held an American festival that is put on every year. The jazz festival reminded me of celebrations from the Italian-American event with an entirely different atmosphere, but same type of appeal; Unity, acceptance & dancing among joyful people.

Xx Suzie Sateri

Here is a little sample of what the music was like thx to my friend who went with me for looking it up! Sorry about having to tilt your head in the beginning... ;) I hope you enjoy!