Sunday, March 6, 2011

To Feel Love

Your heart feels happy
You smile
You laugh
You cry
You share
You complete
You accomplish
You embrace
You warm
Bringing brilliant colors of streaming light
Endless Possibilities
Limitless Joy
Pain and Pleasure
Overcoming and surrender
Rock solid
unmoved by external
Strong like a lightening bolt
evoking the calm
provoking the storm
Polish the gem
Shimmer like the golden sun
Beating together as one

Suzie Sateri

To Feel Pain

You are able to understand what its like to hurt. You are more likely to reach out when you can because you've been there. Those are advantages of messing up. We all make mistakes.
Can we lift our consciousness as a whole and cultivate an environment full of compassion, love and kindness?


To Feel Satisfaction

Brightened level
Disposition ever so slightly shifted
Not going away
Proximity near
Go forward without fear
Let the wind take you
Wrap you up in his arms
When you feel like quitting
Take the opportunity to press on

Suzie Sateri

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

In This Book

This is for you... you're making history in my book. ;)

You always seem to know what to say
What I need to hear as well as what I don't 
But its not just in your saying
its in your being. 

Your presence is eminent and distinctive
Openness, serving all
You've silently impacted my life
You've brought me life.


You are like a second Mother to me
Spreading your wings ever so gently across my heart
Creating beats
Educating and entertaining.

Always there
Consistent and loyal
Reaching out with fingers intertwined
Ever so gently, holding every hand.

The wind beneath the wings 
Helps the angel fly 
Felt like a warm summers breeze 
Easing the way into the relaxation of summer.

The gentle hand holding the underdog
A strong fortress under the boardwalk
A lamp to light the words of the book at night
The gentle loving force behind the life.

Suzie Sateri

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Knock Out

I think its a peculiar thing when someone steps into their destiny/fate "on accident". When something hits one somewhere deep inside and a spark ignites. Sometimes the spark can turn into a full blown fire and if that fire is tended to... who knows how long it might last and what affect it could have. "Muhammad Ali had his bike stolen at 12 years old." What would happen to a kid if they had their bike stolen at 12? Some would cry, some would complain, some would insist on replacing it immediately. Then there are others.... like Muhammad Ali... who thirst for justice.

"That's how Muhammad Ali started his career in boxing. He wanted to beat up the person who stole his bike.
'Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee' was his motto in the ring. Although he was a warrior in the ring, he refused to fight in the Vietnam war because of his religious beliefs and he was banned from the sport for years because of that decision." -

I hope you enjoy this song & have a great day!
 "The Winner Is"

Friday, February 11, 2011

Meet Claudette Colvin!!!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen, May I introduce to you a SPECTACULAR woman named Claudette Colvin!!!!!!!!!!  I was refreshing my knowledge of Rosa Parks because I wanted to write about her today but I happened to come across some new information that moved me deeply! Its about Claudette! First of all, my BFF's name is Claudette so her name grabbed my attention and I started reading about her. When she was just 15 YEARS OLD she was the FIRST person to refuse to give up her seat to a white person on a Montgomery bus system... the Rosa Parks incident happened 9 months later...... you have to read the link!!!!!!!!! I laughed and cried.

1. Who says kids can't change the world?
2. Sometimes disorderly conduct creates change if its for the right reasons.
3. Claudette Colvin is an AMAZING woman with a CAPITAL A+!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER!!!!!!! 
4. I wonder what she is doing today?

Friday, December 31, 2010


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! "In amando un agnello, fuori da amando un leone". Thank you. Love. Xx SS o