Thursday, July 15, 2021

Happy Anniversary

 Today is my parent’s 49th anniversary. I am happy for them and looking forward to next year’s 50th celebration. We’re going to have to throw them a big party for that one. I am extremely thankful for their being together for so many years. Their stability, as a couple, has helped me through many of life’s obstacles. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


 Last night I got 3 mosquito bites and today my Mom was telling me I’d better spray some bug repellent because there is some type of illness carried around by mosquitoes in Northern California right now that someone has actually died from. 

Mask Mandate

The school year is approaching soon and we are learning the kids will all be mandated to wear masks. Now it is up to each district to decide how to enforce those mandates. Why not a nation wide guide? Ex: a red light we all wear masks, yellow light means inside masks and outside optional, and green light no masks required…?

Monday, July 12, 2021


Today I finally went swimming. I started the day, blessed by my significant other with some breakfast and my favorite coffee. I’m really thankful for little moments like that. So I started the first task, meaning to accomplish it. At the end of the day, I didn’t, but I made a lots of progress and am excited to finish it tomorrow. That was just the first task. 

While I was organizing, I looked at two gifts I’ve been given and thought about a third. One: A Silhouette Machine. Two: A sewing machine. Three: Real Estate School. 

I started the real estate school. I partially threaded the sewing machine. I failed the last test of the first class of the real estate school and was told I need to retake the entire class. I cried. I hardly cry about anything related to something like not passing a test in school. I cried and called the real estate school to get a refund for Michael. It was a great gift because I’m still enrolled, though really discouraged. That was just the first class. 

I’ve lined up a ton of projects for myself with the sewing machine. One of which is a maternity clothing line with mostly recycled clothes and materials. Six months pregnant and I have yet to learn how to use the sewing machine. Now my kids are ready for me to sew them some clothes so they can tie dye. 

The Silhouette Machine is similar to learning a foreign language. I still want to learn it. 

It made me question what I’m choosing to do with the gifts I’ve been given. 

I’m happy I made space for the baby and that I went swimming with my kids. 

Sunday, July 11, 2021


 The power hour is starting to become a routine. Thank you God, I didn’t know if that would ever happen.


 My keyboard is not working so I don’t want to type that much.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Happy Progress

 This weekend brings us into mid July and the weather feels hotter than ever. We’re almost to one month left for summer vacation and then school starts again. I’ve been trying to get some great organizational skills in place for the upcoming school year because once it starts, the baby will be on his way shortly after. Lots of changes to make still, but every time I make progress I am happy.