Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Journey of a Caterpillar

I have an ankle injury from playing soccer. 
I crawled off of the field. 
I knew it was going to be a long recovery when I felt my ankle pressing against my shoe because it swelled up so quickly. 
I called my sister. 
Visited urgent care. 
Crutches for two weeks. 
That didn't last with three kids. 
Hobble, hobble hobble. 
Hop, hop, hop. 
Six weeks of this? 
This is not the way I imagined getting into shape. 
I wanted to keep playing soccer to get into shape to play soccer. 
The shin splints from hopping. 
The mental obstacles. 
The awakening of muscles I need in order to not put weight on one foot.  
Maybe it's the end of the soccer journey for me?
I walk into the classroom instead. 
Hello again Dr. 
More support for my injury. 
Free soccer game tickets.
Soccer game. 
Soccer career? 
Another soccer game. 
Soccer career? 

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