Thursday, November 9, 2023

Equanimity in Space

 What can be followed by the blog called Strangely Lovely but talk about a choir performance? It's refreshing to think about escaping reality sometimes. To hear people talking and not understand a word of what is being said can sound liberating. In the quest for that type of space, we allow ourselves to fall in love with education, once again. The adaptation is within the walls of education, rather than within a different country. To learn something new can often feel akin to being surrounded by a new language. To love what you learn is like finding equanimity in space.

A choir singing songs in foreign languages, embracing all of the sounds unique to its place. It's just what we needed. The sound of perfect unison among so many evokes the understanding that it is possible for people to perform together magnificently beyond our familiar potentialities. The costumes, the different sounds each one contributes, the harmony... it's all so enlivening. The practice probably wasn't. Favored be the moments that cause an educator to desire a full time student status. 

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